Java Engineering Manager Interview Questions

Java Interview Questions
1 min readApr 29, 2021

Recently I appeared for few Interviews for Java Engineering Manager role or a Dev manager role.

The questions were from vast majority of topics. I thought to write some of them

1) You need to build a API which will let a user buy/sell some stock in his portfolio. How will you design the same. What all will you consider for the same.

2. You want to control the logging which your application does. How would you write the custom logger.

3) Calling one microservice from another microservice , how would one trace the entire events in logging. What will you use?

4) what is Circuit Breaker pattern in Microservices?

5) How do you ensure code quality of your project? From a process perspective what is the process you follow for development and code review etc.

I was able to answer most of the questions but not sure why I was not selected :(

